Monday, March 18, 2019

photos first half of March 2019

We’re proud of our Bukavu Frisbee players who conducted their first training yesterday for a group of 80 youths who are part of a peace club.

Our local tire repair shop. A generator welded to an air compressor. And we sure are glad these guys are all over the place because, with the condition of the roads, we give them a fair amount of business!

“At LePhare Bukavu, we hope to be a biblically functioning community of believers that shines the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our neighborhood so that Christ’s redemptive purposes can be accomplished through the transformation of our city.” (Vision statement)

1 comment:

  1. I belive people are missing you back there in are doing a powerful ministry guys.yes indeed we all need to be the light of this world .you are shinning as the light,now God as added another life to your family.what a great blessing and your reward is in heaven keep pressing on ,my brother and sister .He is with with you until to the end.Matthew 28:16-20 the great Commission Jesus gave his disciples. that is what you guys are doing.
    love you guys and praying for you.i can't wait to hear what God has more for you.blessed day .
