Saturday, February 9, 2019

catching up on photos!

The view from the entry to our apartment. Everyday life of laundry, security, and colors! (I’m still at home most of the time because of my ankle, and I can only post so many pictures of the lake view.)

People here aren’t talking about the Super Bowl. They’re excited about Ultimate! πŸ‘πŸΎ and selfies πŸ˜‰

Supersized produce found at the market today!

Going to small group down this alleyway

made a faux pas (false step) at frisbee on Saturday. Now enjoying the consequences πŸ˜‰

Driving to church (tall, beige building on the left of the first picture); you have to go up this hill with huge potholes. I’m not sure if it’s better in the car if in the motorcycle! πŸ˜‰

Found myself telling this guy “you are not my friend!” when he was just hanging out in front of the fridge! πŸ˜‚The other day, I was sweeping and all the sudden he was there under my broom and I thought I’d swept his legs off. 😬 Shoe is just there for size reference, not a threat. Also, grateful I don’t have to deal with many critters or insects like you might imagine. Lastly, this kind of gecko lives in Texas too and I’m glad he eats mosquitoes !

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