Sunday, October 23, 2016

We saw them building this on the main road, and Mark asked what I hoped it would be. My response: a Chick-Fil-A...

Perfect things about Congo:
the weather
the forecast
the climate
the temperature...

Birthdays! Last year, we flew to Congo on my birthday; this year, we will fly to stress leave on my birthday. Interesting? Ironic? Needed!

I got Mark this cool hat as an early birthday present. We'll be on a field visit on the 25th (no cake), but at least we'll be together!

Mark got me these lovely plants as an early birthday present! I guess I'm officially "mature" since I'm so happy to get plants for my birthday. ;)

We'll eat a special dinner out in honor of our birthdays, but I doubt it will compare with last year's fireworks!


  1. Karen and Mark, happy birthday to each of you. Uncle George

  2. I've been meaning to ask, did you get your ballots in time to vote? Are you as puzzled by this election as the rest of us are?
