Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What Mark's going to be doing

(Mark writing.) I've got plenty to do right now because I'm trying to learn French. I also need to familiarize myself with DRC's system of government, its current political actors, and how elections work. Did you hear? I officially have a placement for my work in Congo. I'll be working for the ECC (l’Eglise du Christ au Congo) which is the general association of protestant church in Congo, and doing their work in connection with the CIME (La Commission d’intégrité et de médiation), the Commission on Electoral Integrity and Mediation. The CIME is not a government entity, but a creation of different civil society groups. CIME's general mission is for the 2016 Presidential election in DRC (which, like the US, is also in November) to be peaceful, lawful, free and fair. I'll be doing legal things connected to this, but don't have many details yet. I do know that I'll be flying to Kinshasa sometimes for my work, which is exciting for me because I'm very interested in big cities and also in seeing the Congo river; it's 1-2 miles wide at Kinshasa.

(Here's a google satellite image of the North side of Kinshasa. Note the scale in the bottom-right of the image)

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