Monday, August 31, 2015

Busy learning about DR Congo!

I had thought I'd be writing on the blog regularly by now. But every free minute I'm picking up one of the five books I'm reading about the history and current situation in Congo. I thought I could share a few websites that have been interesting and helpful.

1. This website has a list of a lot of organizations working toward peace in the region. We may be working with some of these groups, and it's exciting to realize that there are many people coming at it from many directions - that's a good thing, especially if we can network and collaborate.

2. This is an article written by one of our co-workers in Bukavu (with whom we'll live in the same compound!), and it's about one of MCC's partners in the region, Healing and Rebuilding Our Communities (HROC).

3. A good reminder that Africa has a lot to offer US! It challenges a couple common fallacies about missionary work: the Messianic complex (gonna save 'em!) and the Adam complex (we're the first ones; doing something new!)

4. DRC's Presidential elections are scheduled in Nov. 2016. This is a really interesting article on the topic that challenges my thinking. I'm not sure to what extent I agree, but it's good to consider.

And a couple pictures of our house-to-be, just for fun!

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