Friday, May 3, 2013

Half way there.

Can you see my bloodshot eyes? Twelve hours in the car. And the bikes are keeping me company in the hotel, too. But I'm thankful that Mark can deal without a vehicle for ten days so that I can have the car to use as I settled in to H-burg.

"Camp" and I both left Austin this morning.

Anne Marie prayed for me as I set up new habits and routines in this new place, especially spiritual practices/prayer. I got all excited to have the mornings in our new place to myself for a little bit. I like the mornings and having solitude. I'll especially miss Mark at night, but not so much in the mornings. Love you, Hon!

Also, since I didn't say so clearly in either of the past posts, I'm starting my MA in Conflict Transformation from Eastern Mennonite University. I'll get about a semester of credit during this six-week Summer Peacebuilding Institute, then - if the program is a good fit - we'll probably move to H-burg for a year after Mark graduates from Law School in May 2014.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the peaceful mornings and peace-building days for the both of us, okay!
