Wednesday, December 29, 2021

December photos

 Merry Christmas from the Dawsons!

I call this "give her a banana and she'll be happy". Pastor Nic's youngest daughter, Abigail, is a good fit for Clara because she doesn't treat her any differently than everyone else, and Clara does not like the extra attention most other people give her. We're trying to figure out how to deal with these differences when it comes to raising children! It's not easy but it's worth it.

Mark supervises 3 cell groups, where they have a weekly Bible study in someone's home. Here he is at the newest one with Barthelemy and his wife in their home.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Starting Preschool with Clara

I’m trying to balance home/church work. One of the things we are trying is some preschool homeschool with Clara (just to have some organized activities for her especially). She really enjoyed mixing brown (do you remember it’s just blue, red and yellow?!) and painting her brown bear from “Brown Bear, Brown bear, what do you see?”
Thanks to Cherissa Roebuck and Kristen Okada for leading us to “ABC Jesus love me” curriculum online!


Monday, November 29, 2021

29 Nov 2021

We had a really sweet time with some of the girls from church who were brave enough to practice their English!

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Thanksgiving in Bukavu 2021

 This is our SEVENTH Thanksgiving in Bukavu! I’m grateful for our home, ministry, and life here.

Back to the blog!

I'm going to try to get back to posting weekly here. It will be pictures and short captions, most of what I publish on social media (for those who aren't on Facebook or Instagram). 

Starting with this week!

There’s been a lot of sleeping in different places this past week+, but we are so happy to be settled into our home in Congo!